Cancer Prevention and Control

In partnership with VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences conducts extensive research around the prevention and control of cancer. We focus on translating research findings into practice as it relates to the following:

  • Reducing cancer risk
  • Improving cancer-related care
  • Improving cancer screening and decision-making
  • Enhancing patient and caregiver experience
  • Identifying barriers to care and developing methods to overcome those barriers
  • Improving health and quality of life during survivorship

We’re proud to collaborate across multiple disciplines and academic units to engage in transdisciplinary and community engaged research that will contribute to cancer prevention and control and access to care.

Ongoing Projects

Richard F. Brown, Ph.D.

Headshot of Richard Brown

Jessica G. LaRose, Ph.D.

Headshot of Jessica LaRose

Vanessa B. Sheppard, Ph.D.

Headshot of Vanessa Sheppard

Maria D. Thomson, Ph.D., M.Sc.

Headshot of Maria Thomson

Katherine Y. Tossas, Ph.D., M.S.

Headshot of Kathy Tossas

Sunny Jung Kim, Ph.D., M.S., M.A.

Headshot of Sunny Kim